Based on the short Stephen King horror story of the same name, 1408 is about supernatural writer Mike Enslin, an author of two successful books on supernatural phenomena. As research for his latest book, Enslin is determined to check out the notorious room 1408 in a New York City hotel by personally staying as a guest in the fabled room. He believes that 1408 is just a myth perpetuated by stories and rumors that Enslin has collected for his past works. However, hotel manager Mr. Olin has strong objections to Enslin's stay and only warns him of possible danger to come. Enslin is determined to go anyway. But what Mike Enslin is about to experience is no myth, as 1408 truly is a room where the guests don't check out by noon
The Review
This movie is a thoroughly enjoyable with great build up and suspense. Stephen King adaptations can sometimes fall flat and fail to deliver. In some respects I feel this is a great compliment to King as others cannot create the unique world that he creates. There is always attachment to the notion of the tormented soul and in this movie John Cusack is expertly cast. Samuel L Jackson is great as the defiant hotel manager who does not want Mr Enslin to check in.
If you are a fan of horror/suspense movies, but are bored with the conventional style I would definitely give this movie a shout. It is paced brilliantly. The acting is great and you can really feel the range of emotions that Cusack displays. On top of that the Stephen King feel has not been lost.
There are two versions of the ending, and the one where Cusack and his wife are listening to the tapes of his dictations are the best ending. With the look of horror on her face, this version is not easily found but is on the DVD disc set. It was removed as when the test audience initially watched the movie they felt it finished too much on a downer. Those pesky Americans.
If you miss the chance to watch this movie then you will kick yourself.
Movie Rating: 4.5/5