Wednesday 28 April 2010

The Plot

In New York City, a case of mistaken identity turns a bored married couple's attempt at a glamorous and romantic evening into something more thrilling and dangerous.

The Review

Great thing about having Orange Wednesday Tickets is that you give movies a try that you would not normally. I will be honest, had this film not been on Orange Wednesday offer that I would not have seen it.

What is nice about this movie, is that Foster' have always had that spark for each other, its just that they have not been given the space nor the time to show each other. The opening scenes work well to establish the mundane life that they lead and develop in to show how things are more of a chore than choice through no fault of their own.

Date Night is the time/space that the two have put in place to get that space/time, but they are always going to the same places at the same time. It is then the table names that open them into a world different than theirs.

The Cameos by Mark Wahlberg, Mila Kunis, James Franco, Ray Liotta and William Fichtner really bring the movie together. Everytime Wahlberg was on the screen he interacted really well with Steve Carell and you were just waiting for a comic moment.

Now the movie was a good film, well written, with good dialogue and a few stand out comedic moments (He turned the gun sideways! That's a kill shot!....and Carrell begging Wahlberg to wear a shirt). I had a good time watching a movie, I would call it a disposable movie (one time view). I feel you should watch if you can but no need to buy it.


Friday 23 April 2010

Kick ASS !!!


Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers, training or meaningful reason to do so.

The Review

I had no great expectations when I went and saw this film. The fact that I did not pay for it also clinched the deal. I had heard various bits and pieces, hearing how it was a comic book and stuff before, but I still was not totally convinced.

If I am being honest I only saw this movie because there was Nic Cage and also McLovin. I knew I would be entertained to some extent with McLovin. The McLovin ID Card scene in Superbad has become one of my favourite comedy moments.

The film opens at the beginning with a mugging giving reason as to why Kick Ass needs to be invented. This is something that people can relate to and helps create emotional ties with the characters.

During Kick Ass' first moment of interjection when a person is being attacked, the following scene is not unexpected but hilarious at the sane time. Seeing the stabbing and the hit and run made the cinema goers laugh out of their seats. It was a precursor to some of the violence that was to come.

Nicky Cage donning an Adam West voice when he played Big Daddy was fantastic as many of the younger viewers would not understand the link, but will be at least entertained with the performance that he displayed. On top of that you have a great performance by McLovin portraying Red Mist in order to ambush Kick Ass into a trap. Hit Girl was also cast well and I am guessing a great future beckons for Chloe Moretz.

Another great scene that would often make the audience laugh was hot Red Mist had synched his iPhone to his car and would often receive messages with the usual iPhone Tone, there was something surreal about that.

When the violence starts it does not stop but there is neither over kill as well. What makes this movie work is the balance in everything from the choreography to the music sounds; with the directing and the performance of the cast. It will definitely be one of the top movies of the year. The difference between this movie and Clash of the Titans is that this movie did not try to come across as a big summer block buster, but it achieved it.

So if you want a movie with great action, comedy and well written plot line, watch KICK ASS

Rating 5/5

Saturday 17 April 2010

Clash Of The Titans

Clash of the Titans

The mortal son of the god Zeus embarks on a perilous journey to stop the underworld and its minions from spreading their evil to Earth as well as the heavens

The Review

In the interests of calling a spade a spade, I am not going to compare this movie to the original film that came out in 1981. I am just going to compare this movie as a recent film starring the man of the moment Sam Worthington.

Worthington made his mark with Avatar, a movie that will be remembered for generations to come as it has set the bar in terms of effects and what a movie can visually achieve. It was interesting to see whether Worthington follows in the footsteps of Mark Hamill who is mostly only identified with Luke Skywalker.

(I think that it is ironic that Mark Hamill has voiced a lot of villains such as Joker, Gargoyles and Hob Goblins...despite being known as an super good guy)

For me this movie just never clicked. It felt both rushed as a movie, trying to pack in so much Greek mythology Hollywood-style. The deviation from the original movie was no secret and to be honest quite painful. The one scene with Bubo (Robo-Owl) was a great homage to the original movie and was what I felt the best scene in the whole the movie.

Perseus: [picking up a toy owl] What is this?
Draco: Just leave it!

I felt that the movie was working to hard to feel like a big movie, but it did not come off that way. The dialogue, musical scores and direction aimed big but it just fell flat.

My actual favourite performance was delivered by Draco, who conveyed the emotions of a warrior who had no other way and loved the way that had been chosen for him. There was a certain nous about his lines he delivered. Such as when Perseus asked Draco why he did not smile, and Draco replied he would smile the day he could spit in the face of the Gods.

For a movie that starred Liam Neelson and Ralph Fiennes as both Zeus and Hades respectively, there was never really any feeling that these were Gods. It never felt like they were superior beings. Just old men watching from a far as the mess they had created had created chaos and now they wanted to be remembered amongst the anarchy that lay before them.

There were some soldiers that accompanied Perseus on his voyage and one of them (with the pony tail) just kept smiling all the time. Even when the time was inappropriate, like when he was telling the Actor from Skins not to look at Maduesa

In essence it just felt like Perseus is screwed, ends up with Draco, goes on a mission to kill Hades and in turn save the princess, fights some boring crab monsters, gets to the witches who then tell him he needs Meduesa, gets her head and has to race back to defeat the the Kraken monster. Thats it. No big epic fights, no amazing fight scenes, no moment that you can either take away or quote with your friends.

One bad mess which is best forgotten

Saturday 3 April 2010

Alice In Wonderland (3D)

The Plot

19-year-old Alice returns to the magical world from her childhood adventure, where she reunites with her old friends and learns of her true destiny: to end the Red Queen's reign of terror

Once again we see the combination of Tim Burton, Johnny D and Helena Bonham-Carter, a combination that has had some mixed results in terms of commercial success. The odd member in this mix of talent, is neither actor nor director but studio and ratings.


Tim Burton is not suited for the Disney world, especially movies that are rated PG. When I first heard that Tim was looking to a dark version of the original film and create a visual fantasy, I got very excited. Perhaps it was all the twisted fairy tales I read as a kid authored by Roald Dahl that got me in that thinking,

The problem is that characters seem strangely cast in regards to Alice and Anne Hathaway playing the White Witch. Anne Hathaway constantly looked uncomfortable to the extent that many people doubted the sincerity in the actions her character exhibited as darker tendencies seemed more fitting.

What is remarkable is JD's ability to submerge himself into a character and really bring them to life. When you see the Mad Hatter, JD is no more and you believe him to be real. Stephen Fry as Cheshire the Cat is magnificent, and his scenes accompanied the visual displays steal the moments at times.

But despite this, the film was not good in my humble opinion, with the story being very weak. Especially when you consider the original films made. Also the book has gone on to become a classic, but I just did not feel intellectually stimulated by the movie.

Everything just felt rushed, for example, the sword that Alice needed was given special attention. She needed to attain it and The White Witch telling Alice how when the moment came the Sword would know what to do. Well none of that was fed into the final scenes, and the sword almost became ordinary. If anything, the final scene was a little reminiscent of Lord of the Rings.

Visually the movie is pleasing and worth a watch for that alone, but as a complete film, it felt rushed and weak from a story line. Characters like The White Witch felt very awkward.

For me I have to rate this movie 2.5/5 stars, but it is still worth seeing especially for the children

Shutter Island

The Plot

Drama in 1954, U.S. Marshal Teddy Daniels is investigating the disappearance of a murderess who escaped from a hospital for the criminally insane and is presumed to be hiding on the remote Shutter Island.

Review (Spoilers)

Shutter Island stars Leo who always delivers and has him teamed with Scorsese you always expect some magic.

As the story begins to unravel you already have a feeling as where the movie is going. It is almost a cross between Crowe's A Beautiful Mind and dare I say Basic Instinct 2.

The story would suggest that Leo in dealing with the agony of killing his wife who had killed his children, seems to live in a world of denial, creating another world where he is a police officer. The Asylum allowed Leo to play out this fantasy as it showed he was the missing patient he was really looking for, and if this last attempt to salvage his reality failed, it would be a case of cleansing his mind.

The angst and emotions that Leo shows demonstrates why he is such a commanding figure in Hollywood today. There is always a mysterious aura about him, which leads beautifully in this movie.

The film ends with a cliff hanger with the quote where Leo asks the question Whether it is better to live as a Monster or Die a good Man? As he shows sanity at the end but the movie ends with the viewer asking themselves had Leo accepted his reality where he had killed his wife, but still chose to be taken away in the end? Had he still deluded himself and went ahead anyway? Or, just maybe, had the Island won...? Was Leo never insane, and this whole saga staged from the beginning as Leo had chosen this case and therefore all characters involved because of the Island wanted him to end up there?

Great Movie, some what predictable outcome, but I would still recommend you watch this movie.

4/5 Stars from Me

Movie Review: The Beginnings

I love watch movies and try to watch as many as I can.

Although this is to remind me what movies I have watched and what I thought about them, I hope any one who reads this has a great time reading this blog too.

I could try and review every single movie I have ever seen, but rather than that, I will just draw a line and start from the most recent movies I saw and start from there.